Wednesday, 2 April 2008

Why isn't EDI easier? Part I - One Standard to Rule Them All

EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) really should be less difficult than it is. If I am a start-up company and I want to purchase timber, metal, paper, widgets or some other commodity item, EDI is just too hard.

The overhead on establishing a relationship, agreeing a standard, and testing communications is huge. EDI is supposed to reduce cost but if it results in a supplier tie-in then it will produce unwelcome influences.

If it takes a department of expensive-to-employ / prickerly-to-manage IT geeks to support, then this "cost saving" thing called EDI, just got too expensive.

The first thing that springs to most peoples mind is Standards. How may ways do we need to represent a Purchase Order? Why are there many Standards? Wouldn't it be easier to just all agree on one standard? The answer to the last question is, not necessarily.

To explain this, consider the classic example of Purchase Order Delivery date. On a multi-line purchase order, a customer will probably want all the items delivering together. But while some customers will send a delivery date in the order header section of the message, some will send delivery dates in the order line sections. Some will send both. Some will have differing dates in the detail line section. Some customers will omit dates altogether indicating the goods are required ASAP.

Don't stop me, I'm on a roll...

Sometimes it will be appropriate to send an Earliest and a Latest date range. This could be in either section. Given a free text field some will write 9/11/01, some will write 11/9/2001 and some computers will generate 20010911. By the way, not everyone in the world agrees what year it is or how many months there are.

At the other extreme, timing might be important. For example when ordering services like an aircraft flight time, or an insurance period start and finish. This brings in the question of time zones and daylight saving adjustments.

  • So if a Standard is to be universal, it has to be large and complex.

  • But if it is large and complex, it won't be easy to implement.

  • And your next partner will use the Standard in a way that is at least slightly different to all your others.
When you read "X12 is popular in North America, EDIFACT in Europe, TRADACOM in Britain" remember, just agreeing one Standard doesn't solve anything. One Standard used in two different ways is like two Standards. So the incentive to converge isn't there.

I have been watching the ODF v OOXML Standards dust up with interest. The difference with EDI is that an EDI Standard has many thousands of individual implementations. If we accept Standards overlapping as much as ODF/OOXML damage each other. If interpretation of the specification will lead to differing implementations, which will lead to interchange problems between office applications. Then we shouldn't be surprised if EDI is in trouble.

I think this is the real source of the excitement over XML. It gives structure to data even without a standard. If we accept that even with a standard, there is a need for a "mapping" function, then maybe we should aim to make this as easy as possible.